As a small business owner, you are likely aware of the importance of understanding your website’s performance and user behavior. Google Analytics has long been the go-to platform for tracking and analyzing website traffic.

Recently, Google introduced the latest version of its popular web analytics platform – Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This new version offers several improvements and new features to help small businesses gain valuable insights into user behavior and optimize their online presence.

This guide will explore the key aspects of Google Analytics 4 and how small businesses can make the most of this powerful tool.

What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 is the next generation of Google Analytics audit, designed to provide a more user-centric approach to understanding website traffic and user behavior. It introduces new features and integrations, such as machine learning capabilities and a more unified view of user interactions across devices and platforms.

One of the most significant changes in GA4 is the shift towards an event-based data model. This allows businesses to track user interactions (events) more accurately and customize their tracking to suit their needs. Moreover, GA4 is designed with privacy in mind, making it more adaptable to future changes in data regulations.

Why Should Small Businesses Upgrade to Google Analytics 4?

  1. Improved User Insights: GA4 offers a more comprehensive view of user behavior, allowing businesses to understand better how users interact with their websites and content. This can help small enterprises to identify areas of improvement and optimize user experience.
  2. Cross-platform Tracking: GA4 enables businesses to track user behavior across multiple platforms, including web and mobile apps. This Google Analytics audit provides a more unified view of user interactions, making analyzing and optimizing the user journey easier.
  3. Enhanced Machine Learning Capabilities: GA4 leverages Google’s machine learning capabilities to provide advanced insights and predictions, such as identifying trends in user behavior and predicting future actions. This can help small businesses make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.
  4. Adaptability to Future Data Regulations: With increasing concerns over data privacy, GA4 is designed to adapt to future data regulation changes. This ensures that small businesses can continue to use Google Analytics without worrying about potential disruptions due to new rules.

How to Set Up and Use Google Analytics 4?

  1. Create a New GA4 Property: If you are new to Google Analytics or want to upgrade from a previous version, you must create a new GA4 property. To do this, go to your Google Analytics account and click “Create Property.” Choose the “GA4” option and follow the prompts to set up your new property.
  2. Implement Tracking Code: Once your GA4 property is set up, you must implement the tracking code on your website or app. This can be done using the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) for websites or the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK for mobile apps.
  3. Customize Event Tracking: GA4 allows businesses to track specific user interactions (events) on their website or app. To customize your event tracking, go to the “Events” tab in your GA4 property and click “Create Event.” You can then define the event parameters and conditions, such as page views, button clicks, or form submissions.
  4. Set Up Conversion Tracking: Go to the “Conversions” tab in your GA4 property to track conversions, such as purchases or sign-ups, and click “New Conversion Event.” You can then define the conversion event parameters and conditions, such as the specific event that triggers a conversion.
  5. Analyze Data and Gain Insights: With your GA4 property set up and tracking events and conversions, you can now analyze the data and gain insights into user behavior. GA4 offers several reporting options, including real-time reports, user engagement reports, and demographic reports. Set up custom reports and dashboards to focus on the metrics that matter most to your business.
  6. Utilize Machine Learning Features: GA4’s machine learning capabilities can help small businesses make smarter decisions based on data. For example, the “Insights” section in GA4 provides automated insights and recommendations based on your data, such as identifying trends in user behavior or suggesting optimizations for your website or app.


Google Analytics 4 offers several improvements and new features to help small businesses
better understand their website traffic and user behavior. By upgrading your Google Analytics
audit, small businesses can benefit from more accurate data collection, improved reporting
capabilities, and powerful machine learning features. Stay ahead of the competition by
embracing this new analytics platform and making data-driven decisions to enhance your
marketing strategies and improve overall business performance.

Pathfinder Digital Marketing is a team of highly skilled expert marketing consultants dedicated to
helping businesses reach their full potential by implementing strategic growth plans. Our team
can develop a personalized growth plan tailored specifically for your website by leveraging our
proficiency in a wide range of marketing technologies. To learn more about how our team can
help your business thrive in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape through Google Analytics
audit, do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation and discover the multitude of ways we can
contribute to your success.